Our Approach
We believe that everyone has the ability to build a life worth living.
Each of our programs seeks to partner with you, wherever you are, to make your goals possible.
We recognize that we are more alike than we are different. Healing is possible for everyone.
We offer a variety of services to meet whatever needs or challenges you may have. Our programs work to holistically provide support, resources and more to give you the tools you may need.
Our Programs & Services for Adults
in Eastern Pennsylvania
For those caring for a loved one with special needs, Access Services Adult Respite offers a safe and simple way to take a break from your daily care routine.
PA Counties Served
Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill
Who is it for?
Caregivers and anyone who wants to give caregivers a break.
Delivering trauma-informed, holistic behavioral & mental health services to children, adults, and families across the lifespan.
PA Counties Served
Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Schuylkill, Northampton
Who is it for?
Individuals 18 months and older.
Strengthening community connection and providing long-term stability.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Housing insecure individuals.
Our community homes create a family style living environment to meet each person’s needs. Emphasis is placed on community participation and personal growth.
PA Counties Served
Lehigh, Northampton, Montgomery
Who is it for?
Individuals with an intellectual disability.
Empowering adults with mental health diagnosis to unlock their potential in a supportive environment and learn the skills they need to live independently in the community.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Adults over 18 with a mental health diagnosis.
Providing employment support for individuals over the age of 18 who have a disability or autism.
PA Counties Served
Bucks, Chester, Lehigh, Montgomery
Who is it for?
Individuals over the age of 21 with an intellectual disability or autism.
Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide 1 on 1 care to support adults in their homes and in the community by setting personal goals and learning skills for day-to-day living.
PA Counties Served
Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill
Who is it for?
Adults with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Supporting those at the intersection of faith and mental health though training, consultation and collaboration.
PA Counties Served
Primarily working in Bucks and Montgomery Counties (consultations and trainings available for any location)
Who is it for?
Advocating and supporting those living with serious mental illness in the forensic system through case management and residential support.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Individuals living with a severe mental health diagnosis and interaction with the forensic system.
Lifesharing allows individuals to live with qualified, trained providers, becoming a part of their lives and families while offering support and guidance to achieve their goals and aspirations.
PA Counties Served
Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill
Who is it for?
Individuals 18 and older with an intellectual disability.
Competent, caring crisis workers are waiting to help you resolve whatever crisis you may be going through via telephone and mobile (in-person) support.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Peer Support and Teen Talk Lines provide live call lines where teens and adults can speak or text anonymously with a peer about any issues or problems without fear of judgement.
PA Counties Served
Montgomery (Peer Support & Teen Talk Line)
Chester (Teen Talk Line)
Who is it for?
An opportunity to experience employment responsibilities in a structured work environment.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Individuals over the age of 21 with an intellectual disability or autism.
Helping individuals quickly exit homelessness and return to permanent housing in the community.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Street homeless individuals.
Helping you take responsibility over your own mental health, and helping you grow and achieve personal goals of your choosing.
PA Counties Served
Montgomery, Bucks
Who is it for?
Adults over 18 years old with a mental health diagnosis.
Whole-person intervention for those facing housing instability and homelessness.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Street homeless individuals.
Making healthcare accessible to individuals experiencing homelessness.
PA Counties Served
Who is it for?
Housing insecure individuals.
Bringing comprehensive knowledge and proven experience to providing a person-centered, goal driven approach that is unique to each individual’s specific needs.
PA Counties Served
Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill
Who is it for?
Adults with a developmental disability who are living independently.