Transition to Independence Process (TIP)
Create your own path
TIP is a young adult mental health program that fills in the gaps for the young people in our communities.”
PA Counties We
Serve With TIP
For youth ages 16-26
What is TIP?
Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate independence. TIP fills in the gaps for the young people in our communities.
TIP (Transition to Independence Process) is a young adult mental health program.
Our dedicated facilitators work with youth 16 –26 years of age to help them overcome any barriers to independence they may have.
Five Key Focus Areas
We build plans around goals that TIP youth personally choose in five key areas.
Living & Housing Support
Help connect with housing resources such as independent residence, residing with natural, adoptive, or foster family, other family situation (e.g., girlfriend’s family, extended family), semi-independent living, supported living, and group home.
Educational Opportunities
Vocational or technical certification, high school completion or GED certificate, workplace educational programs where placement is related to college/school enrollment, Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree and beyond.
Employment & Career Advisory
Competitive employment site, work experience, paid or unpaid, at competitive or entrepreneurial worksite, supported employment with a job coach, transitional employment opportunities, paid or unpaid, at a noncompetitive worksite placement.
Community Life Functioning
Daily living and self-care, maintenance of living space and personal possessions, money management, cooking and nutrition, safety skills and activities, social activities, mobility around the community, access to community agencies and resources, legal services and cultural and spiritual resources.
Personal Effectiveness and Well-Being
Interpersonal relationships, emotional and behavioral well-being, self-determination, communication, physical health and well-being, parenting.
Personalized Plans
Since each plan is tailored to the youth and their personal goals, no plan looks the same!
An employment goal may help the youth obtain their driver’s license to make access to employment attainable.
A social goal may have the youth out in the community engaging with peers in activities that help them build lasting friendships and navigate relationships.
Each youth has different goals and it is our desire to see them reach every single one.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What age range does TIP cover?
What goal areas can TIP help me with?
TIP covers goals in 5 different domains: Education, Employment, Living Situation, Community Life Functioning, and Personal Effectiveness & Well-Being. Check out our TIP Goal Areas sheet (pages 3-5 of the info sheet here) for some ideas of goals you can include on your Futures Plan with your facilitator.
TIP uses a team delivered service – What does that mean?
How often will I be meeting with my TIP Facilitator?
Does TIP provide transportation and/or housing?
Do my parents or other professionals need to be involved?
What are group events? Are they mandatory?
Group events are a good opportunity to connect with peers, use community resources and develop new skills to meet goals. These events are organized by the team of facilitators to include both recreational and skill building groups. No one is required to attend, and your facilitator will inform you about upcoming events based on your interest and willingness to participate.
We are always open to new ideas so that we can organize events that best meet the need and interest of everyone in our program. Please be encouraged to discuss your ideas with us!
Is there a way for youth to contact someone from TIP after hours?
Yes, there is an after-hours on call where a facilitator can be reached outside of normal business hours. This line can be used to touch base with a TIP facilitator in the event that you have a question, concern, or need and your primary facilitator cannot be reached.