Street Outreach - Access Services

Street Outreach

Reaching out a hand

Whole-person intervention for those facing housing instability and homelessness in Montgomery County, PA.”

Available in
Montgomery County

What is it?

Our Street Outreach Program seeks to provide whole-person intervention for those facing housing instability and homelessness in Montgomery County.

Responding to Crisis

In 2024, our Street Outreach team was able to help over 2300 community members experiencing homelessness. Many people have been affected by the pandemic, the closing of shelters in the area and more.

Please do not hesitate to seek help for yourself or someone you know who may need assistance.

If you are experiencing a homeless crisis, contact Community Connections at 610-278-3522 (M-F, 7am to 7pm). A referral will be sent to the attention of the Street Outreach team. 

For immediate crisis assistance, contact Montgomery County Mobile Crisis at 1-855-634-4673.

What We Provide

1. Screening and Assessment

Identify + Prioritize Needs

Outreach workers provide screening and assessment to partner with the person or family in the identification and prioritization of needs and available resources.

2. Assistance in Resolving Immediate Needs

Physical Needs

Outreach workers try to help enhance a person or family’s capacity to live where they are safely. Examples of this include: providing sleeping bags, tents, clothing, and hygiene products. If it is determined that medical attention is required, the team will assist the person in obtaining the appropriate treatment.

Safety Concerns

Partnering with Mobile Crisis around immediate safety concerns.

3. Referral to Other Provider Services

Problem Solving

Because we know that being homeless and being in a shelter is inherently traumatic, outreach workers support individuals and families in a problem-solving process, or housing counseling, to allow for resolution to homelessness, when possible.

Health Support

Linkage to mental health and other physical health support, food resources, and other potential benefit sources.

Systems Guidance

Bridge assistance in navigating other systems, like the criminal justice system, Children and Youth, or the educational system.

“I think one of the things that’s really fulfilling to me about the Homeless Street Outreach program is that we’re working with people at their most vulnerable. I’ve been around Access Services for a while and our mission is to meet unmet needs. This is a group of people who have a lot of unmet needs. I have a passion for helping people meet their needs in this kind of environment.”
Mark Boorse
Street Outreach Team member & Program Development

To donate supplies and gear to Homeless Street Outreach, please see the Intersect Community Needs portal on Facebook

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