Helping you take responsibility over your own mental health, we can help you grow and achieve your personal goals.”
Serving Bucks and
Montgomery counties
For adults over 18 years old
with a mental health diagnosis
What is It?
Created in 2000, our Starting Point programs partner with people from all walks of life with a mental health diagnosis.
Starting Point is a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Service (PRS), that supports individuals to gain skills and resources, building on their own strengths, to be able to reach their own self-identified goals.
Starting Point is a mobile service, delivered to individuals served weekly, by trained PRS staff in their community.
You've Got This.
Many of the individuals we have served stated that their hope for the future grew with the support of Starting Point and that they would recommend Starting Point to others who needed similar support.
You have what you need to take steps towards recovery today. Sometimes you just need someone to walk with you. We want to be part of your journey.
How Do You Get Started?
The first step is getting to know each other. We will meet you wherever you are comfortable having a conversation.
Upon meeting, we will tell you more about Starting Point and share ideas of how we can provide help. We will listen to your story and learn what is important to you.
If together we decide that Starting Point is a good fit, you will be matched with a Starting Point worker who will begin assisting you.
If you are interested in Starting Point for yourself or someone you know, please contact us.
Starting Point Alumni
For those who have worked with Starting Point in the past, we offer an alumni program for people to come together and share their personal success stories with one another. Learn more about the experiences of some of our alumni through the accompanying videos.
Contact us to get started or make a referral
or download and complete this referral form.
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