Rapid Rehousing
Helping individuals quickly exit homelessness and return to permanent housing in the community.”
Available in
Montgomery County

What is it?
Rapid Rehousing is an evidence-based program which helps with housing location, up to twenty-four months of tenant-based rental assistance, and supportive services to households experiencing homelessness.Â
The program is designed to help individuals and families to quickly exit homelessness and return to permanent housing in the community. Program enrollment and assistance is offered without preconditions (such as employment, income, absence of criminal record, or sobriety) and the resources and services provided are typically tailored to the unique needs of the household.  Â
Tenant FAQs
How long will I receive rental assistance?
Rapid Rehousing provides rental assistance up to 24 months. The goal is to reach self-sufficiency as quickly as possible with support from a Housing Stability Specialist.
How do I find an apartment?
You will have assistance from a Housing Locator who will be your advocate when speaking with landlords and attending apartment showings.
How often will I meet with my Housing Stability Specialist?
You will meet with your HSS at least once per month or more frequently depending on your goals and needs.
Who receives the rental assistance?
Payments are made directly to the landlord or property management company.
Does the unit need to be inspected?
Yes! Do not move in before a passed inspection as this could delay payment to your landlord.

Key Benefits for Landlords
Are you a landlord or property manager looking to work with Access Services Rapid Rehousing? A few benefits you’ll experience include:
Rent on Time
You'll have peace of mind knowing rent payments will be on time from our agency.
Housing Case Management
Every tenant receives case management to help them with housing stability including gaining income, budgeting, socialization, establishing physical and mental health care, and more.
Access to Agency Support
Landlords receive access to a housing locator even after their tenant moves in to help mediate conflict and address concerns.
Impact Your Community
Make an important impact on your community by aiding in the fight to end homelessness by partnering with Access Services Rapid Rehousing.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For help, dial 2-1-1.Â
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Call Center
Interested in providing housing?
Reach out to our Housing Location Specialist.