JRS helps adults with mental illness navigate the forensic system

Justice Related Services

Second chances are possible

We believe recovery in mental health is real. We believe successful reintegration into the community is achievable.”

Serving Montgomery County

For individuals with a severe mental health
diagnosis and interaction with the forensic system

Here to Help

Leaving jail and returning to the community can be exciting and overwhelming.

At Justice Related Services, our team works tirelessly to help adults with serious mental illness navigate the forensic system.

"I didn’t know that I had a disorder until I burned so many bridges and was alone."
Individual served

Your Advocate

JRS is your advocate, when all other bridges have been burned. Our case managers and peer specialists meet you where you are, whether currently incarcerated or navigating re-entry.

We believe recovery in mental health is real. We believe successful reintegration into the community is achievable.

Our Approach

We practice a person-centered approach of support and encourage you to use your own strengths in achieving success and independence.

In 2021, JRS was able to guide 85 individuals out of incarceration into the community with re-entry plans.

JRS also diverted 35 individuals from jail and instead they were able to receive the mental health treatment they needed.

"It’s not just about getting out of jail; it’s about getting a second chance at life. Everyone deserves another chance."
Access Services JRS

Make a Referral

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Frequently Asked Questions

JRS is voluntary. You must agree to participate in accordance with the JRS program. You must be:

  • 18 years or older
  • A resident of Montgomery county
  • Have an active pending criminal court case or on probation
  • Have a Severe Mental Illness diagnosis
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Major Depressive disorder
  • Psychosis diagnosis
  • Schizoaffective disorder
You, a relative, a friend, a mental health provider, a forensic provider, probation or an attorney can make a referral to JRS.
All required documentation, especially the psychiatric evaluation, signed by a psychiatrist, should be sent to JRS as soon as possible after the referral is made. JRS staff will contact you either by phone or to your supports listed to discuss the referral process.

Our goals are your goals, like community living, building positive relationships and finding value. We want to help you build the life you want. We can support you in the jail, such as with re-entry planning and being released into the community.

We want to help you with talking to probation, getting connected to community resources, searching for housing options, and much more.

Our services are no cost to you.

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