Employment Support Services for Disabled Adults in Pennsylvania

Employment Services

Obtain and Maintain Competitive Employment

Available in Bucks, Lehigh,
and Montgomery Counties

For individuals over the age of 18
with a disability or Autism

What Do We Do?

We provide employment support services that connect employers with individuals over the age of 18 who have a disability or Autism who are eager to work.

We strive to provide employers and businesses with 100% satisfaction in the hiring, training and job performance of the individuals we support. The employer’s goal and mission is a top priority to our Employment Specialists.

Employment Steps

We’ll help you find work you love.

1. Community-Based Work Assessment

This assessment is designed to determine an individual’s readiness for competitive employment in real-life situations in local businesses. This is also an opportunity to identify potential employment paths. Short term screening at our identified businesses will enable your Employment Specialist and you to target specific jobs as well as skills that may impact your success.

2. Job Match

Our Employment Specialists provide employment support services for disabled adults, and want to assist you in finding the right job and will offer support in resume building, interviewing, and job searching. Job preparation and planning skills will be addressed and refined as needed.

3. Intensive Training

Employment Specialists will support you through the orientation process and on-the-job training tailored to your needs. The Specialist will work alongside you and allow you to learn the job at a steady pace until independence is gained. It is critical that you achieve the performance expectations that satisfy the employer. Your Employment Specialist can assist you in using or arranging public transportation to and from your place of work.

4. Follow Along Supports

Employment Specialists will maintain an on-going relationship with individuals to ensure proper job performance and employer satisfaction. When new tasks are assigned to you at work, we can support you as you gain the necessary skills. When appropriate, instruction on improving your employment-related personal skills can continue throughout this process. Natural supports will be secured and eventually, the individual will become independent at work, with visits from the Employment Specialist to ensure placement longevity.

Contact us to learn more about our employment support services today!

Benefits Counseling

Benefits planning services are considered an integral component in the development of employment goals. Individuals with disabilities seeking services through OVR or ODP who receive Supplemental Security Income and/or Social Security Disability Insurance require skilled personnel to assist in the decision-making process.

Benefits Planning helps social security beneficiaries to understand the impact that earning a paycheck may have on their benefits

These services are available in-person throughout Bucks, Montgomery, and Lehigh Counties and available virtually across all of Pennsylvania.

In 2021, Altec Services, a division of Access Services, was chosen to be part of a Regional Collaboration for Provider Transformation towards enhancing Employment Services within the state.

Contact us to get employment services.

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