Community Rehabilitation
Moving Forward
Providing community healing one person at a time.”
Available in
Northampton County

What is it?
We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to build a life worth living. Our Community Residential Rehabilitation Services (CRRS) provides a supportive environment for adults living with mental health challenges.
We partner with individuals to teach them the skills they need to live independently in the community. Services are coordinated with treatment providers and other supports involved in each person’s life.
Supporting You
Community Rehabilitation provides a homelike, non-institutional environment, for individuals transitioning from state hospitals into the community.
It allows for the maximum opportunity for individuals to have autonomy, independence and self-determination in their care and growth.
Community Rehabilitation exists to enable the individuals we serve to move to less restrictive living settings. Our supportive staff assist each person served as needed throughout this process to independence.

Working Together
Our partnerships and well-developed cooperative efforts with other agencies allow for smooth transitions to ensure coordinated, continuous and effective services for each person. This promotes better results for the rehabilitation of the individuals we serve.
Ask us about our Community Residential Rehabilitation Services.