Behavior Support Services - Access Services

Adult Behavior Support Services

Navigating behavior interventions with you

Our knowledgeable behavior specialists will help you create a plan to reach specific behavioral goals.” 

PA Counties
Where We Serve

For individuals 21 years and older diagnosed with intellectual disabilities/autism  

Person-Centered Behavior Support

Access Services Behavior Specialists provide direct support services to the individuals we serve. These services are crafted to meet the unique needs of each person through a variety of things, including: in-person support, one-on-one meetings, staff and caregiver trainings, and assessments of consumer activities and behaviors.

We provide a level of care that promotes a person-centered environment that supports growth and success for our individuals, their families and support teams.

Accredited, Innovative Behavior Specialists

Behavior Specialists promote positive interactions among all members of the support team and a level of professional care in working directly with our individuals. Building a behavior support plan starts with respect, commitment, and empowering an individual to be part of their growth process. This plan utilizes innovative and effective supplemental materials that support behavior reduction goals and increase social/emotional skill building. 

Our behavior specialists are passionate about the service that they provide. They are master’s level clinicians who are competent and accredited. They use their knowledge and expertise in the field to support growth and skill development for both the individuals they serve as well as their support team. 

How We Can Help

Intake and Assessment

Access Services Behavior Specialists provide an initial intake assessment that takes about an hour, with additional assessments afterward. The intake and assessment process typically take place in person, with client and team members or family present. The assessment consists of direct observations and indirect assessments such as FAST, Motivational Scale, Trauma & Behavior Checklist, Adult Sensory Processing Disorder Checklist, Social-emotional and Functional Life Skills Inventory, and more. 

In-Person Support and Training

Training is provided to the caregivers and Direct Support Professionals to aid in support and services to best care for the individual they oversee.  Behavior Specialists help develop a training protocol for the support team to help them best implement the behavior plan with the individuals they serve to help them reach their behavior goals in their home and community. 

Trauma Informed Care

Access Services has a team of experts that work directly with behavior specialists and supervisors to provide continuous training on trauma informed care. Caregivers that are informed about trauma informed practices are able to address the specific needs for the individuals if they have faced trauma to prevent further future trauma and to address any past trauma they have faced. This training and expertise carries over in the care that is provided for clients receiving behavioral supports.  

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